昭和12年学会 論文1号
Author: KURAYAMA Mitsuru, Historian of Constitutional Government
Title: Toshiyoshi Miyazawa in Showa 12
そこで本論では、宮澤憲法学とは何だったのかを検証するために、四つの論点を取り上げる。 第一の論点は、宮澤の憲法観である。そもそも宮澤は、憲法をどのように捉えていたのであろうか。戦後の憲法学の中心は、日本国憲法の条文の解釈である。しかし、宮澤にとって憲法典の条文は憲法のすべてではない。戦前の宮澤は憲法を論じる場合は常に、歴史と外国法との比較、政治における運用を重視した。そうした宮澤が身に付けた発想は戦後にも残っている。憲法は条文に何が書いてあるかだけでなく運用が重要であり、運用においては憲法を活かす法律が必要であると説いていた。こうした傾向は、宮澤の弟子たちには見られない。
Toshiyoshi Miyazawa (1899–1976) was one of Japan’s leading constitutional scholars. Renowned since before World War II as a brilliant scholar of constitutional law, he became an authority in the field after the war. Probably no specialist on constitutional law in Japan today has escaped his influence. His theories have drawn many criticisms as well, not least his about-face before and after World War II. Despite being such an important expert on the constitution, few studies have examined his prewar scholarship on the subject.
Thus, in this essay, I raise four points in investigating the nature of Miyazawa’s ideas on constitutional law. The first is Miyazawa’s perspective on the Constitution of Japan: how did he view it? Postwar constitutional theories mainly focus on nterpretation of the text, but to Miyazawa, there was more to the Constitution than its text. Before the war when discussing the Meiji Constitution, Miyazawa always emphasized history and comparisons with foreign law, and the application of the constitution in its political context. He maintained this approach after the war, claiming that not only the content but the application of the articles of the constitution is important, and that, oreover, such applications require laws that take advantage of the best in the constitution. This line of reasoning is not seen in the work of any of Miyazawa’s protégés.
The second point is his theory of the Emperor as “robot.” According to this theory, under the postwar Constitution the Emperor is not permitted to influence politics, and this today has become the Japanese government’s official position. This notion differs considerably from approaches taken by constitutional monarchies in other parts of the world, as Miyazawa was fully aware. Having studied the history of French constitutional government in his youth, Miyazawa took inspiration from the presidential system under the Third Republic in developing his “robot” theory.
The third point is the “August Revolution” theory, with which Miyazawa claims that a “change in sovereignty is what defines a revolution. The Emperor was Japan’s sovereign ruler under the prewar Meiji Constitution, but in August 1945, Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration and later established a new constitution which adopted the principle of popular sovereignty. Hence the establishment of the postwar constitution is equivalent to an ‘August Revolution.’” This idea is commonly accepted in constitutional law today, but it has attracted much criticism. What inspired Miyazawa to adopt this position? Contrary to popular view, he did not conceive it during the development of the postwar Constitution. From before World War II, Miyazawa was a close observer of Nazi Germany, following the process through which Hitler’s party legitimately seized power in the Weimar Republic—which was established under the banner of democracy. Eventually Miyazawa concluded that the concept of “revolution” is the best way to interpret how the essence of the Weimar Constitution could have been so changed without any revision of its articles.
The fourth point is the situation surrounding Miyazawa in 1937. Here, based on the other three points, I examine what Miyazawa did in 1937—a pivotal year in Japan’s modern history. There is no doubt that Miyazawa did change his stance during the war and, indeed, his views clearly leaned in favor of the political and social climate of the time. [My research finds that] he began to express these changed views on July 7, 1937, at the time of the Marco Polo Bridge incident, after which the Japanese government took a full turn toward a war footing.
In discussing these four points, this essay presents insights on Miyazawa that have not been previously discussed.
Toshiyoshi Miyazawa, Constitution, Revolution, Nazi, French Third Republic